Grades 6 - 8

THE JUNIOR HIGH years open the doors to students’ future as they prepare for high school and beyond.  Students continue to gain independence as they move to various teachers throughout their day in a departmentalized approach to instruction.   Morning and afternoon advisory blocks with their homeroom allow students to ready themselves and reflect on the school day while maintaining the community-centered approach to education.

MATH & ELA Students receive extended (80-minute) instruction time each day, allowing for true mastery of skills.  In the core subjects of Math and ELA, we offer a differentiated curriculum, so all students may thrive at a pace that best supports their educational needs. Smaller settings, engagement, customization, and open communication between parents and faculty are the hallmarks of instruction.  Some students may be eligible for math advancement, with the option of Algebra I  during their 8th-grade year, allowing for an accelerated course sequence in high school.

SCIENCE & SOCIAL STUDIES Our recently constructed Science & Innovation Center advances student engagement and knowledge in STEM.  In Social Studies, students explore the community and the world at large.  Global thinking and understanding of US & World History are cultivated by exploring central questions through hands-on projects and engaging lessons.  Students prepare for and take the US Constitution test at the end of the 7th-grade year and the Illinois Constitution Test at the end of the 8th-grade year.

RELIGION Students receive daily religious instruction centered around our call to serve others.  Preparation for the 8th-grade Sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year journey that is integral to the Grade 7 - 8 religion curriculum.  Deepening students’ understanding of faith through retreats and service work is a significant part of the Junior High experience.

ENRICHMENT SUBJECTS - Our Root Beliefs teach us, "We are called to nurture the mind, body, & spirit.”  Junior High students enjoy twice-weekly Spanish and weekly Art, Media, Music, and Physical Education classes to enhance our core curriculum and encourage our students to become well-rounded individuals.

STANDARDS - The Archdiocese of Chicago’s ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education curriculum are aligned with the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards.  The Religion standards are designed to promote our Catholic identity and faith in the lives of our students. Learn more HERE.

JR. HIGH TECHNOLOGY - Beginning in 6th-grade, students embark on our Junior High iPad Program. The iPads will travel back and forth from school to home daily with students. All students are expected to adhere to the technology guidelines outlined in our Handbook, ensuring a safe and productive learning environment.  The devices are paid for by families and managed by St. Barnabas. The cost will be added to your tuition account for the 6th grade school year. Upon graduation or departure from St. Barnabas School, your family will fully own the device. The iPads are for school-related work and, due to restrictions and available apps, are not for personal use outside of school.  We offer different price levels ranging from ~ $400-$700 depending on the generation, storage capacity, and length of Apple Care. For specific questions about the fees associated with the Jr. High iPad purchase, please contact our Technology Director, Mrs. Kathleen Davies at [email protected].