Grades 3 - 5
THE INTERMEDIATE YEARS are an exciting time for students, teachers, and parents as students shift from learning to read, to reading to learn. Students are challenged to deepen their understanding of skills and concepts as they are exposed to higher-level writing and problem-solving within a supportive and caring environment. Seeing a reader blossom ignites the spirit. We acknowledge that a love of reading develops at a different pace and time for each student, and our teachers foster that love. We hold fast to our Root Belief “We are a community of unique learners, always growing and learning.”
MATH & ELA - Students receive extended (80-minute) instruction time each day, allowing for true mastery of skills. In the core subjects of Math and ELA, we offer a differentiated curriculum so all students thrive at a pace that best supports their educational needs. Smaller settings, engagement, customization, and open communication between parents and faculty are the hallmarks of instruction.
SCIENCE & SOCIAL STUDIES - Our newly constructed Science & Innovation Center advances student engagement and knowledge in STEM. In Social Studies, students explore the community and the world at large. Global thinking and understanding of US & World History are cultivated by exploring central questions through hands-on projects and engaging lessons.
RELIGION - Students receive daily religious instruction as we support our students on the lifelong journey of living out their faith. We teach and encourage our students to recognize Gospel values such as kindness, compassion, sacrifice, and service. A highlight of the 4th-grade experience is our annual Saints “Wax Museum” project. Students learn the impact and sacrifice of our Catholic Saints and then research and portray an influential saint in honor of All Saints Day.
ENRICHMENT SUBJECTS - Our Root Beliefs teach us, "We are called to nurture the mind, body, & spirit.” Intermediate Grade students enjoy twice-weekly Physical Education and weekly Art, Media, Music, and Spanish classes to enhance our core curriculum and encourage our students to become well-rounded individuals.
STANDARDS - The Archdiocese of Chicago’s ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education curricula are aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards, Common Core State Standards, and the Next Generation Science Standards. The Religion standards are designed to promote our Catholic identity and faith in the lives of our students. Learn more HERE.