Student Support & Counseling
Supporting our students is paramount, centered around our Root Belief that “We are a community of unique learners, always growing and learning.” We recognize and value the uniqueness of every student and hold fast to the belief that every student can and should succeed. Discovery, invention, and creativity often stem from unique learning styles, and we strive to embrace and nurture each and every student.
COUNSELING - Our full-time counselor, Ms. Jeanne Miller, empowers and educates students to succeed in academics, social interactions, and understanding their emotions. Students connect with our counselor in optional one-on-one or group sessions and in a bi-weekly classroom setting. We also offer a peer mediation program, a process for trained students to act as neutral mediators for their peers.
STUDENT SUPPORT - We are committed to removing barriers to student learning and continually seek opportunities for flexible instruction and evaluation when needed. We believe an effective student support program depends on assessing needs, careful planning, vision, persistence, collaboration, and accountability.
Our Student Support Case Managers, Mrs. Maureen O’Donnell and Ms. Julia Petrosino, are on campus to help students with a Student Support or 504 Plan. Our Case Managers help students achieve academic and social/emotional goals in collaboration with teachers and parents. Our campus setup allows for accessible space for outside supports, such as Speech Therapy, as an option for students during their school day.