Family-School Agreement

As outlined in the Parent-Student Handbook, the Family-School Agreement is an acknowledgment of the important relationship between families and our school.
At St. Barnabas, we believe a student's education is a sacred partnership between parents/guardians, the student, and the school. It is essential that students and parents/guardians familiarize themselves with the policies in this handbook and that students, parents/guardians, and school employees work together to ensure that each student receives a formative, Catholic-based education that adequately prepares them for high school and beyond.

It is an honor to partner together on each child's educational journey. We acknowledge that differences between families and the school may occur and can typically be resolved through communication and understanding. Just as a family has the right to withdraw a student, the school administration reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including requiring a student's withdrawal if the administration determines that the partnership between the school and the family is irretrievably broken. 
Expectations and requirements for working with the school include the following:
  • Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to express their concerns about school operations and personnel to the appropriate staff and administrators; however, they must not do so in a discourteous, rumor-driven, disruptive, threatening, hostile, or divisive manner.
  • St. Barnabas School expects parents/guardians and students to work politely and cooperatively with the school to assist each student in meeting the school's academic, moral, and behavioral expectations. This includes respectful treatment of all faculty, support staff, administrators, coaches, other students, and other parents/guardians.
  • Parents/Guardians must adhere to the Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct outlined in the Parent-Student Handbook.
  • Parents/Guardians must ensure their child adheres to the Student Code of Conduct outlined in the Parent-Student Handbook.
  • Parents/Guardians must adhere to the same social media guidelines as we expect from our students;

These behavioral guidelines/expectations of parents/guardians and students include, but are not limited to, all school-sponsored events (e.g., athletics, performances, field trips, etc.) as well as interaction with school staff, other St. Barnabas students and parents, and individuals who are part of the St. Barnabas Community.

St. Barnabas reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, when this policy has been violated. Such violations may result in a warning, disciplinary action, suspension of a student or parent/guardian’s privilege to attend or participate in school activities, or dismissal of a student.