Social Media Policy

Social media can be useful for communicating with fellow students, teammates, and friends. Social media can also be illegal or dangerous if one is not careful. Every picture, link, quote, tweet, status, or post put online is part of a person's permanent digital footprint. A digital footprint could hurt one’s reputation during high school admissions, sports recruiting, a new job, or other important parts of life. Realizing this, students are responsible for the following:
  • Take responsibility for your online profile, including posts and any photos, videos, or other recordings posted by others in which you appear.
  • Certain social media accounts require users to be of a particular age. You need to be aware of this and compliant with the policy.
  • Do not degrade friends, teammates, coaches, teachers, or others.
  • Post only positive things about friends, teammates, teachers, coaches, or others.
  • Use social media to promote the school, teams, and clubs positively.
  • Before posting anything online, consider the question, "Is this the me I want you to see?"
  • Do not react to any negative comments written about yourself on social media, and do not retaliate in any manner. Report these negative comments to a trusted adult.  
  • If you witness another student, teammate, or friend post something potentially harmful online, talk with that person. If you are uncomfortable conversing with that person, bring it to the attention of a trusted adult.
  • Be aware that you represent yourself, your team, your club, your family, your school, and your community at all times and will do so positively.
    Understand that your actions on social media may result in disciplinary consequences at school.
St. Barnabas maintains official social media accounts for communicating with the St. Barnabas community and the public. Only authorized people may create content for the school’s official accounts, and they must abide by all guidance and directives provided by the employees who manage these accounts. School parents/guardians, students, and community members are prohibited from creating any additional social media accounts (including private or public pages or groups) or social media communication that appears to be from St. Barnabas or appears to be official communication of St. Barnabas.