Parent Code of Conduct

As partners in children's education, the parent/guardian must demonstrate respectful behavior with faculty, administration, support staff, students, and volunteers, whether on or off school grounds or at school-related events. If the principal believes that the partnership is no longer viable, the school reserves the right to require the parent/guardian to either remove their child(ren) from the school or not accept registration for the next school year. Unacceptable behaviors include but are not limited to harassment, verbal abuse, and assault or threats to the faculty, administration, staff, students, and volunteers of the school. Parents/guardians who post defamatory or threatening statements about the school, its staff, or students on social media can be required to remove the offensive material or withdraw their child(ren) from the school. Ordinarily, a student is not to be deprived of a Catholic school education on grounds relating to the actions/attitudes of a parent/guardian. However, one of the following actions may be required to permit the continuation of the student in the school:
  • Schedule monitored meetings between school staff and the parent/guardian outside of regular school hours
  • Conduct school business with the student's other parent/guardian.
  • When, in the judgment of the principal, as confirmed by the pastor or juridical person, the behavior of a parent/guardian seriously interferes with the teaching, learning, or a positive school environment, the administrator may inform the parent/guardian that their right to be present on school grounds is temporarily or permanently suspended or dismiss the child(ren) of the parent/guardian temporarily or permanently from the Catholic school.